Living Lab Learning For The Future Dva 4056

Last week, my not-so-little brother celebrated his thirtieth birthday, and he proudly showed the gift he got from his girlfriend that morning — a shiny new guitar. Despite his reputation for enthusiastic singing performances, particularly in the shower, I was still very surprised.

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Imagine yourself on a lazy evening. You have just decided that you want to watch a movie on Netflix, but, as always, it is hard to choose which movie you would like to see. Perhaps it might be a good idea to let somebody else make the choice for you or to let Netflix play a random movie so that you don’t have to think about it anymore?

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Jonah and the whale. Whose is your life? Lecture and discussion with theologian Annemarieke van der Woude and psychologist Harold Bekkering.

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Anyone who takes seriously how our brains work would radically restructure education, says professor of social-cognitive neuropsychology Harold Bekkering. Then the student's curiosity would be the starting point, and not the textbook.

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Nov 23, 20-21.30 at the LUX Lianne Hoogeveen and Harold Bekkering talk and discuss in Dutch the use and misuse of labels like ADHD, Autism and highly-giftedness within the Educational context.

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Why do people choose specific paths and ignore countless others? Why might a mathematician be content with a casual bike ride as their sole source of exercise, while marathon runners prioritize their running time over complex algebraic equations?

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