Interview De Correspondent

Waarom leren begint bij nieuwsgierigheid - podcast De Correspondent

20 Nov 2022

Anyone who takes seriously how our brains work would radically restructure education, says professor of social-cognitive neuropsychology Harold Bekkering. Then the student's curiosity would be the starting point, and not the textbook.

Interview De Correspondent

Anyone who takes seriously how our brains work would radically restructure education, says professor of social-cognitive neuropsychology Harold Bekkering. Then the student's curiosity would be the starting point, and not the textbook.

I've seen the name Harold Bekkering pass by here and there for years because people are regularly angry with him. Some scholars call his ideas about education "ideology." So for years I thought: Bekkering, that must be a bit of a madman.

Until I read De Lerende Mens (2015), the book that Bekkering wrote together with cognitive neuroscientist Jurjen van der Helden. And I found out: Bekkering is not a crazy person, but a professor of social-cognitive neuropsychology.

I visited Bekkering and spoke to him in his office at Radboud University in Nijmegen, in the Maria Montessori building.

To listen the complete podcast )in Dutch), click here.