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Publications - Motivation

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  • van Lieshout, L. L., de Lange, F. P., & Cools, R. (2020). Why so curious? Quantifying mechanisms of information seeking. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences35, 112-117.
  • van Lieshout, L. L., Vandenbroucke, A. R., Müller, N. C., Cools, R., & de Lange, F. P. (2018). Induction and relief of curiosity elicit parietal and frontal activity. Journal of Neuroscience38(10), 2579-2588.
  • van Lieshout, L. L., de Lange, F. P., & Cools, R. (2019). Motives underlying human curiosity. Nature Human Behaviour3(6), 550-551.